Option 2 package
Personal Clarity Retreat (PCR)
Bridge Time/One-on-One Coaching (BRIDGE)
Business Clarity Retreat (BCR)
Business Growth Retreats (4 “2 day” retreats)
Business Growth Retreats (BGR)
Introduction/Welcome (0.5 hrs)
Goal Review and Reset (1.0)
Accountability and Review of all goals set at the BCR as well as celebration of additional goals reached. Discussion of challenges and then resetting goals based on more current information.
We will also review all business plans and definitions to ensure course is appropriate and clear. This would include revisiting unique talent, current staffing and other business planning points.
Entrepreneurial Training (2.0):
We will introduce an EXPERT IN ENTREPRENEURIAL TRAINING—Time Management to Energy Management—As an Entrepreneur, we have different roles than those earning a “salary”.
The 2 Economies—we introduce the 2 economies mind set regarding time and effort and how to maximize your time for best overall results. Also will introduce the area of delegation.
Speed Reading—We will introduce fabulous techniques in improving reading—essential to any Entrepreneur.
Marketing/Branding (3.0):
We will continue to stress the importance of Marketing and Branding in each BGR Training.
- We introduce an EXPERT TRAINER—MARKETING/BRANDING—This leading expert will continue the discussion and all aspects of marketing, bringing in all current practices for discussion.
- Our Expert will spend some time with each Entrepreneur to review specifics of their plan.
- Branding will be again covered and taken to the next stage for each Entrepreneur.
- Each Entrepreneur will have the opportunity to work one-on-one with the Expert Trainer after the day’s session to further develop his/her specific marketing plan.
Sales/Closing (2.0):
- We introduce an EXPERT TRAINER—SALES/CLOSING EXPERT—This leading expert will cover all aspects of sales and closing and will role play with Entrepreneurs as well. This provides unique hands on training in this most important area.
Website Design (2.0):
- We introduce an EXPERT TRAINER—WEBSITE DESIGN—This leading expert will bring all up to date on current trends on website design, features, costs and “how to get it done”.
Personal Health and Wellness (2.0):
- At this point, we shift gears a bit and introduce an EXPERT TRAINER—PERSONAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS EXPERT—This leading expert will discuss the benefits of all things personal health related and the costs of not prioritizing. At Breakthrough Coaching Program, we understand that if you are not in good health, all the money and power in the world doesn’t make any difference!
- Each Entrepreneur will have the opportunity to consult one on one with our EXPERT and begin developing a plan for improvement in this VERY IMPORTANT area.
At this point in the retreat, we will segregate advanced Entrepreneurs and New Entrepreneurs:
For New Entrepreneurs:
Start up Specialist (2.0):
- We introduce an EXPERT TRAINER—START UP SPECIALIST—This leading expert will follow up the BCR session with additional tips and strategies to jump start any business on the right foot, minimizing hassles and maximizing efforts.
- At this session, each Entrepreneur will have the opportunity to consult one on one with our EXPERT on their particular challenges.
For Advanced Entrepreneurs:
Alternative Capital Funding (2.0)—simultaneous with Start up Specialist):
- We introduce an EXPERT TRAINER—ALTERNATIVE CAPITAL FUNDING EXPERT—This leading expert will cover all areas of alternative funding mechanisms, best practices to obtain funding, legal aspects and direction on where to find funding and the best terms.
Remainder of Time (1.5)
Other techniques may be introduced, we will also promote other products as well as other trainings that we offer. We close with networking and encouragement and thanks.
Intangibles of the retreat:
Powerful networking opportunities with fellow Entrepreneurs as well as our many Experts in business practice.
At the conclusion, you will have very powerful tools: fluid business plan, budget, marketing plan, clear goals and timeframes.
Many opportunities to speak in group setting.
New knowledge of current business practices, techniques, technology, words usage and much, much more!
What else will I achieve?
Clarity of time management and energy management
Enjoy others more
Teaching opportunities
And much, much more!!
BGR #2 (180 days after BCR/90 days after 1st BGR):
Introduction/Welcome (0.5 hrs)
Goal Review and Reset (1.0)
Review of all goals set at the BCR as well as celebration of additional goals reached.
Discussion of challenges and then resetting goals based on more current information.
We will also review all business plans and definitions to ensure course is appropriate and clear. This would include revisiting unique talent, current staffing and other business planning points.
Entrepreneurial Training (2.5):
Review of all techniques introduced to date (Unique Talent, Time Management/Energy Management/Delegation/Types of Days/Free Time)
Delegation—why it is better to do it even when you could do it better!
Habit Changing—We will discuss all of the elements and challenges of “changing habits”, why almost all fail and how to succeed with it.
Improving Memory—powerful techniques to improve memory will be discussed.
Marketing/Branding (3.0):
We will continue to stress the importance of Marketing and Branding in each BGR Training.
- We introduce an EXPERT TRAINER—MARKETING/BRANDING—This leading expert will continue the discussion and all aspects of marketing, bringing in all current practices for discussion.
- Our Expert will spend some time with each Entrepreneur to review specifics of their plan.
- Branding will be again covered and taken to the next stage for each Entrepreneur.
- Each Entrepreneur will have the opportunity to work one-on-one with the Expert Trainer after the day’s session to further develop his/her specific marketing plan.
Social Media (2.0):
- We introduce an EXPERT TRAINER—SOCIAL MEDIA EXPERT—This leading expert will cover all aspects of what is happening in social media and how to take advantage of its power.
Personnel/Staffing/Human Resources (3.0):
- We introduce an EXPERT TRAINER—PERSONNEL/STAFFING/HUMAN RESOURCES—This leading expert will cover all aspects of the hiring process, employee management, defining personnel needs and administrative points related. Additional topics will be current trends in salaries, benefits and many other points.
- We will also do a personality profile exercise which will be very helpful for Entrepreneurs to understand people and what they will tend to do and what they will tend not to do.
At this point in the retreat, we will segregate advanced Entrepreneurs and New Entrepreneurs:
For New Entrepreneurs:
Start up Specialist (2.0) (note—if the group deems this not truly beneficial, we will place them in the “Advanced Entrepreneurs” below):
- We introduce an EXPERT TRAINER—START UP SPECIALIST—This leading expert will follow up the BCR session with additional tips and strategies to jump start any business on the right foot, minimizing hassles and maximizing efforts.
- At this session, each Entrepreneur will have the opportunity to consult one on one with our EXPERT on their particular challenges.
For Advanced Entrepreneurs:
Additional Entrepreneur Training (2.0)—simultaneous with Start up Specialist):
Top 20 money making relationships—how to define, why and what to focus on with each;
Top 20 future relationships—how to define, why and what to focus on with each;
Biggest Check—how to define, why and how to use it for powerful leverage.
Remainder of Time (2.0)
Other techniques may be introduced, we will also promote other products as well as other trainings that we offer. We close with networking and encouragement and thanks. We will also introduce and promote the extension of the program to next year to all Entrepreneurs.
Intangibles of the retreat:
Powerful networking opportunities with fellow Entrepreneurs as well as our many Experts in business practice.
At the conclusion, you will have very powerful tools: fluid business plan, budget, marketing plan, clear goals and timeframes.
Many opportunities to speak in group setting.
New knowledge of current business practices, techniques, technology, words usage and much, much more!
What else will I achieve?
Clarity of time management and energy management
Enjoy others more
Teaching opportunities
And much, much more!!
BGR #3 (180 days after BCR/90 days after 2nd BGR):
Introduction/Welcome (0.5 hrs)
Goal Review and Reset (1.0)
Review of all goals set at the BCR as well as celebration of additional goals reached.
Discussion of challenges and then resetting goals based on more current information.
We will also review all business plans and definitions to ensure course is appropriate and clear. This would include revisiting unique talent, current staffing and other business planning points.
Entrepreneurial Training (2.5):
Review of all techniques introduced to date (Unique Talent, Time Management/Energy Management/Delegation/Types of Days/Free Time/Speed Reading/Habit Changing/Improving Memory)
Daily Strategic Thinking
Reading other People
Idea Creation
Conceptual Implementation
Marketing/Branding (3.0):
We will continue to stress the importance of Marketing and Branding in each BGR Training.
- We introduce an EXPERT TRAINER—MARKETING/BRANDING—This leading expert will continue the discussion and all aspects of marketing, bringing in all current practices for discussion.
- Our Expert will spend some time with each Entrepreneur to review specifics of their plan.
- Branding will be again covered and taken to the next stage for each Entrepreneur.
- Each Entrepreneur will have the opportunity to work one-on-one with the Expert Trainer after the day’s session to further develop his/her specific marketing plan.
Risk Management (2.0):
- We introduce an EXPERT TRAINER—RISK MANAGEMENT EXPERT—This leading expert will cover all aspects of risk management, what each Entrepreneur needs to know and how to address all points for the Company’s as well as the Entrepreneur’s protection.
Growth Strategies (3.0)
- We introduce an EXPERT TRAINER—GROWTH STRATEGIES CONSULTANT—This leading expert focuses on how to prepare and adjust your mindsets in order for your business to take off! Whether it is doubling, tripling or 10 times where it is now, this is the training that will put this into focus.
Exit Strategy/Tax Consulting (2.0):
- We will introduce EXPERTS in business exit strategies and tax planning.
Remainder of Time (4.0)
Other techniques may be introduced, we will also promote other products as well as other trainings that we offer. We will promote extension to the next year with all Entrepreneurs. We will discuss extensive benefits to continuing on with us.
We close with networking and encouragement and thanks.
Intangibles of the retreat:
Powerful networking opportunities with fellow Entrepreneurs as well as our many Experts in business practice.
At the conclusion, you will have very powerful tools: fluid business plan, budget, marketing plan, clear goals and timeframes.
Many opportunities to speak in group setting.
New knowledge of current business practices, techniques, technology, words usage and much, much more!
What else will I achieve?
Clarity of time management and energy management
Enjoy others more
Teaching opportunities
And much, much more!!
End of Option 2 program (1 Year).
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