If you are here because you have had some decent success but really want more, I want you to know that I have been in your shoes! I have always had extremely high goals throughout my life, but was continually disappointed that I was not achieving them. I was achieving a lot! But not as much as I knew I could.
I am a CPA by profession—that’s right a Bean Counter!! And if you ever want to know how to add 2 and 2 and get whatever number you want, please see me after this talk!
My business career is a well traveled road. I started a CPA Practice at age 32 and I worked hard and long. I started from scratch and stayed with it. After about 5 years, I noticed that I was starting to hit the wall or ceiling. I found that working harder was no longer producing bigger results. In fact, I started really stressing and burning out! Relationships were being tested as well. And I started to look for better answers. It was a long, long journey! I spent many, many years at this pursuit. In fact, it hasn’t stopped as I have become a Business Coach—now I can get paid!! YES! I listened to audio tapes, went to seminars, read books, did counseling, got advice, read articles and on and on!
And through this journey, I have acquired tools, the mindsets, negotiation skills, discovery of my unique talents, and on and on and it has culminated in this program.
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If you are an Entrepreneur, or want to become one, this message is for you. Are you ready for a HUGE jump in both business results as well as personal growth? We have developed a program to do just that!